Here are several forecast of residential real estate price by US metropolitan areas.
In summary:
- The metropolitan area in agriculture and mining oriented central US states are doing ok.
- Metros in Texas where job growth is very strong are doing good.
- The real estate price in major metros in coastal Northeast (NY/BOS/DC) and CA (SF/SJ/LA/SD) seems to be bottomed and have upside.
- The decline continues in Real estate bubble popped areas in NV/AR/FL and inland CA.
1. CC http://jasper.clearcapita

2. LLM
- Top 10 markets are San Jose 3%; Orange County 3%; Betheda 2%; Pittsburgh 2%; San Diego 2%; Oklahoma City 1%; Washington DC 1%; Austin 1%; Boston 1%
In summary:
- The metropolitan area in agriculture and mining oriented central US states are doing ok.
- Metros in Texas where job growth is very strong are doing good.
- The real estate price in major metros in coastal Northeast (NY/BOS/DC) and CA (SF/SJ/LA/SD) seems to be bottomed and have upside.
- The decline continues in Real estate bubble popped areas in NV/AR/FL and inland CA.
1. CC http://jasper.clearcapita
2. LLM
- Top 10 markets are San Jose 3%; Orange County 3%; Betheda 2%; Pittsburgh 2%; San Diego 2%; Oklahoma City 1%; Washington DC 1%; Austin 1%; Boston 1%
- Bottom 10 markets are Daytona Beach -11% Orlando -6% Boise -7% Las Vegas -5%
Do you have forecasts also for 2012? I wish to have more predictions and probably compare it from the ones I had and probably use that as my analysis for the housing market. I am currently taking up my real estate continuing education and I just need to do this for my personal research.