Thursday, 18 June 2009

City Brand Index 2009 by Anholt-GFK Roper

Anholt-GfK Roper City Brands Index report shows consumer perception of the image and reputation of 50 major cities worldwide with the following criteria.

- Presence (knowledge of the city and perception of its global contribution)
- Place (cleanliness and climate)
- Pre-requisites (affordable accommodation and quality of public amenities)
- People (friendliness and cultural diversity)
- Pulse (interesting events, activities, and lifestyles)
- Potential (perception as good place to do business, to find a job, and to go to university/college)

Here is the Top 10 Cities with strong brand.

1. Paris

2. Sydney

3. London

4. Rome

5. New York

6. Barcelona

7. San Francisco

8. Los Angeles

9. Vienna

10. Madrid

The following are the top three ranked cities in each category:

Presence Brand Ranking

1. London

2. New York

3. Paris

Place Brand Ranking

1. Sydney

2. Rome

3. Paris

Pre-requisites Brand Ranking

1. Sydney

2. Toronto

3. Amsterdam

People Brand Ranking

1. Sydney

2. Toronto

3. Melbourne

Pulse Brand Ranking

1. Paris

2. New York

3. Rome

Potential Brand Ranking

1. London

2. New York

3. Sydney

I believe city branding has strong correlation with real estate price as all of top 10 cities are known for quite expensive real estate price. High awareness and favorable image create demands for real estates, especially among highly educated workforce who can chose to live wherever they want. This is how so called bubble proof real estate superstar cities!

For the real estate speculation, it is very strategic to identify 2nd or 3rd tier cities that have potential to be in 1st tier. These up-and-coming cities have major appreciation potential.

Lastly, I would also recommend for investors to review various rankings and understand when choosing your city to invests.

Liveability Ranking by
Mercer Quality of Living Index 2009 
Best Cities to Live in 2009 (
Billionaire Cities

Happy Investing!!!

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